School 's blog 1a404

For my School work

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My badge has a Latin motto
Hope for the future
The future is hope
Or something

At times black crows try to interrupt
When we sing the National Anthem

It is difficult to maintain
The whiteness of my shoes
Especially on Wednesdays

I must admit there is something quite special
About the bare thighs of hardworking scouts

The Malay chauffeurs
Who wait for my schoolmates
Sit on the car park kerb
Telling jokes to one another

Seven to the power of five is unreasonable

On Chinese New Year
Mrs Lee dressed up
In a sarong kebaya
And sang Bengawan Solo

The capital of Singapore is Singapore

My best friend did a heroic thing once
Shaded all A’s
For his Chinese Language
Multiple-choice paper

In our annual yearbook
There is a photograph of me

Pushing a wheelchair and smiling
They caught me
At the exact moment

When my eyes were actually closed

The first stanza
In the first stanza the author uses rhythm to emphasize that he got a new badge. He dosent understand the true meaning of the badge," Hope for the future".As most probably is it was his first badge the author should be happy when thinking back of this
The second stanza
In the second stanza the author does not use any form of rhythm thus its a free verse. I think he enjoyed having crows interrupting as he did not mention any unhappiness and thus was happy when he thought back on this
The third stanza
In the third stanza the author most probably had PE on that day thus could not keep his shoes clean. I believe that this was a bad memory for the author as he was sort of a cleanliness freak, whitening his shoes daily.
The fourth stanza
In the forth stanza,he admires the scouts for their muscle. I believe he doesn't really like the scouts as he used the phrase "must admit", showing a form of unwillingness to say it. The author when recalling this should feel happy as it reminds him of his CCA scouts.
The fifth stanza
The author is envious that his classmates have chauffeurs and also would like to have one. I think he would have found it a pleasant sight to see people joking on the kerbs . He should feel happy as it is pleasant to see people enjoying themselves.
The sixth stanza
The author most probably enjoyed Chinese new year but enjoyed his teacher wearing a traditional costume singing a Malay song. This is most probably a happy memory as he had fun with it
The eight stanza
The author feels it was hilarious that someone would actually put all A in the MCQ.
Last two stanzasIt reveal that the author was actually wheelchair bound but was still optimistic about life being able to smile and have such good memories

My own poet.

Oh!The first day of school
My mother shakes me up from bed
i said
"I can’t go to school because I am sick
If I walk out my house I’ll get hit by a brick"

Oh!The first day of school
My mother shakes me up from bed
i said
" can’t go to school because I feel a little blue
My brother stuck my hands together with supper glue"

Oh!The first day of school
My mother shakes me up from bed
i said
"I can’t go to school because I’m afraid
On my way there I might get run over by a huge parade"

Oh!The first day of school
My mother shakes me up from bed
i said
"I can’t go to school because I woke up late
I broke my leg while learning how to skate"

Oh!I wonder would excuses i will have tomorrow
Maybe it 's
I have caught a flu


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