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For my School work

Monday, June 22, 2009

I rather be the city rat than the country rat

Now you must know that a Town Mouse once upon a time went on a visit to his cousin in the country. He was rough and ready, this cousin, but he loved his town friend and made him heartily welcome. Beans and bacon, cheese and bread, were all he had to offer, but he offered them freely. The Town Mouse rather turned up his long nose at this country fare, and said: "I cannot understand, Cousin, how you can put up with such poor food as this, but of course you cannot expect anything better in the country; come you with me and I will show you how to live. When you have been in town a week you will wonder how you could ever have stood a country life." No sooner said than done: the two mice set off for the town and arrived at the Town Mouse's residence late at night. "You will want some refreshment after our long journey," said the polite Town Mouse, and took his friend into the grand dining-room. There they found the remains of a fine feast, and soon the two mice were eating up jellies and cakes and all that was nice. Suddenly they heard growling and barking. "What is that?" said the Country Mouse. "It is only the dogs of the house," answered the other. "Only!" said the Country Mouse. "I do not like that music at my dinner." Just at that moment the door flew open, in came two huge mastiffs, and the two mice had to scamper down and run off. "Good-bye, Cousin," said the Country Mouse, "What! going so soon?" said the other. "Yes," he replied;

"Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear."

- quoted from

This is a old childhood story which depicts the advantage and disadvantage of being a country rat and similarly the advantages and disadvantages of being a city rat. Although this story is about rats and not humans, the advantages and disadvantages are the same. Would i rather choose to a country rat where the pace of life is slower and led a carefree and relax life but unable to enjoy the technology or delicious food of the city or would i be a city rat and led a busy and worried life but be taken aback by the convenient modern society and indulge in handheld game consoles and other technology.

Personally i would rather choose to be a country rat. Imagine living a life where
you can take life slowly as there is nobody to hurry or push you. You can lie on the beach and watch the sunset or take a morning stroll. Although there is no technology, there are other forms of entertainment. I would not give up this carefree life to live in the city. Although there are computers and many convenient forms of transport, there is a darker side to living in the city,such as, inflexible work hours, piles and piles of work and the stress of education.

In conclusion i would rather be a country rat than a city rat


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