School 's blog 1a404

For my School work

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Green hatted guy

I am a green hat

Basically the inner circle did very while and there are not much points to add
But one thing i do not understand is why so many people believe that Mrs Maloney is innocent, and that she is the real lamb. In my point of view, i actually believe that Patrick is the innocent one. In the society nowadays, divorce is very common is like almost a daily occurence.Furthermore, adultery is not a crime (i believe) and thus it does not give mrs maloney a reason to kill someone. Being a avid fan of real life crime scenes show, I have watched alot of cases of this type of "crime of passion" happening. In the end, the woman/man still get the mandatory death sentence/life sentence. Thus proves that in the eyes of the law Mr maloney did not commit any wrong and actually Mrs Maloney was the one who was guilty so i belive that actually Patrick was the real lamb who was killed and MRs maloney should be given a full punishment for her actions and not like other people who said that she should either be excuesed or given a lighter sentence.


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